Sunday, September 6, 2015

You Need to Have Grit to Get That Bowl of Grits (getting that bowl of grits is a metaphor for becoming successful btw ok cool)

    Grit is an important trait to have if you want to be successful. If graduating college, being successful in your career, even becoming good at a sport or activity you enjoy is something you wish to accomplish, the grittier you are, the more likely you are to achieve your goal. As Angela Lee Duckworth states in The Key to Success? Grit –“Grit is passion and perseverance for very long term goals”. Whether you know it or not, mostly everyone currently attending college, including yourself, has some grit. Remember, you had to endure 12 extremely tedious years of schooling prior to getting here. If that’s not gritty perseverance, I don’t know what is. However, if for some reason you’re struggling to find grit within yourself, hope is not lost. Watching this video I’m sure will very quickly motivate you to become more tenacious, fearless, and assertive than a rabid honey badger.

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